Recertification Credit Requirements


CATEGORY                                                                          NUMBER OF CREDITS

A          Aquatic                                                                     6 credits per 5 year period

B          Public Health                                                          6 credits per 5 year period

D          Dealer                                                                      5 credits per 5 year period

E          Core                                                                          No credits required

G          Forest                                                                       6 credits per 5 year period

H          Right of Way                                                           4 credits per 5 year period

I           Regulatory                                                               6 credits per 5 year period

K         Ag Pest Animal - Livestock/Pet/Poultry               6 credits per 5 year period

L          Ornamental & Turf                                                  10 credits per 5 year period

M         Seed Treatment                                                      3 credits per 5 year period

N          Demonstration & Research                                  10 credits per 5 year period

O          Ag Pest Plant                                                         10 credits per 5 year period

P           Aerial Methods      4* credits per 2 year period

**1 Hour Aerial Methods / 3 Hours Specialty Category (X)

S          Commercial Soil Fumigation                                3 credits per 5 year period

T           Wood Treatment                                                    4 credits per 5 year period

V/X       Private (V - Safety, X - Specialty)                       2 credits of each per 3 year period

Z(SF)    Private Soil Fumigation                                        1 credit per 3 year period


Additional Requirements for Commercial/Public Applicators, Dealers, and Consultants:

The required credits for each category must be obtained during at least two years of the five year certification period. This applies to EACH category.

SINGLE CATEGORY: Individuals who are certified in one category must complete the total required credit hours for that category.

MULTIPLE CATEGORIES: Individuals who are certified in two or more categories must obtain the total required credits for the category with the highest credit requirement, and three credit hours for each additional category. (See note below for applicators licensed in the category Demonstration & Research)

ADDING A CATEGORY: Your certification date does not change when you add a category to your license. You must earn the required credits for your new category by your current certification date, and the credits must be earned in two calendar years. Exception: if you add a category in same year that you will recertify, you do not need to earn any credits for that category for this certification period.

DEMONSTRATION & RESEARCH: Demonstration & Research always requires 10 credit hours.

Example: If an applicator is licensed in N, L, A, and G; the credit hours required are: N: 10, L: 10, A: 3, and G: 3

 Additional Requirements for Private Applicators

ADDING A CATEGORY: Your certification date does not change when you add a category to your license. You must earn the required credits for your new category by your current certification date.

Exception: if you add a category in same year that you will recertify, you do not need to earn any credits for that category for this certification period.

 Additional Requirements for Aerial Applicators

MULTIPLE SPECIALTY CATEGORIES: Aerial applicators with multiple specialty categories must earn 3 credits for any one category and one credit for each additional category on their Aerial License (during 2 year certification cycle). Example: if licensed in P, O, and B categories, the credits required are: P: 1, O: 3, B: 1.

ADDING A CATEGORY: Your certification date does not change when you add a category to your license. You must earn the required credits for your new category by your current certification date.


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